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Today is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Today is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day and a local domestic violence advocate is highlighting some of the ways elder abuse plays out.


Jennifer Tolladay with DeWitt County DOVE says as seniors age, the more dependent they become on those around them for assistance, the more susceptible they are to becoming a victim of abuse.



According to Tolladay, elder abuse can be anything from physical harm to a senior to financial exploitation and theft to even abandonment or neglect.



The financial abuse and exploitation of seniors is the most common form of abuse but Tolladay points out the sexual abuse of seniors is not uncommon either. Financial abuse of a senior can look like simple theft or using the senior's money for the caregiver's gain to not taking care of their financial responsibilities like paying bills. 



Tolladay indicates there are signs to be on the lookout for in an abusive situation. Be on the lookout for a senior to suddenly not be interested in doing things they used to enjoy. Physical signs are bruises or sores from abuse or neglect.



If you suspect a senior in your life is being abused, Tolladay says to call the authorities. Seniors are a very protected class in society and the penalties for elder abuse are severe.



Tolladay says seniors are undervalued in our communities and encourages spending time with seniors in your neighborhood. She says they will appreciate that but it can also be a way to protect them from becoming a victim. 

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