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Former CES Principal Settling In As Central A&M Superintendent

First-year Central A&M Schools Superintendent Sacha Young has the first three weeks of school under her belt as she leads her staff into a successful school year. 


The former Clinton Elementary School Principal's primary goal for the school year was to stick by the school district's mission - “Empowering and celebrating excellence in each of our students.” Young recognizes the well-oiled machine she has stepped into with the Central A&M School District and saw not much needed changing.



Young says that one of the many great practices of Central A&M School District is the way they celebrate their students. Recognizing accomplishments on social media and to parents, praising students when a goal has been reached. Also keeping staff and parents updated on current events and information is another factor that has worked well.



Central A&M Schools are making a push for more social-emotional and mental health support. There are upcoming professional and development programs on the way to provide skills and tactics to handle and address social-emotional learning and mental health first aid. Josh Shipp, of Kemmerer Village will be presenting on October 6th with the presentation titled, “Every kid is one caring parent away from being a success” and Central A&M staff have been invited to come out to hear these meaningful words.



Young continues to be a leader for the staff of the Central A&M School District. With the tall task of Superintendent in front of her, Young has met the responsibilities with grace, guiding staff and students to a successful 2023-2024 school year.

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