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Extension Educator Promotes Harvest Nutrition for Producers

A University of Illinois Extension Nutrition Educator is hoping producers and their harvest crews will not forget to make sure to eat this harvest season.


It may seem like it would be difficult to ignore eating but Caitlin Mellendorf at the University of Illinois Extension in DeWitt, Macon, and Piatt Counties encourages producers and their support systems to not only eat but try to find healthy foods this fall. 



Mellendorf indicates there are plenty of easy snacks that can be packed to have at your leisure as you work. Additionally, she has some recommendations on foods that will be filling and sustaining.



Mellendorf also hopes producers will keep hydrated. If the days are warmer, it will certainly be necessary but staying hydrated will also help keep producers alert. 


She encourages visiting extension.illinois.edu for more nutritional information this harvest season. 

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