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Clinton YMCA Doubles Enrollment for Acres for Kids

The Clinton YMCA's unique fundraising program in its second year has doubled enrollment.


Darren Moser with the Clinton YMCA indicates Acres for Kids is in its second year and has doubled the number of producers involved. Moser notes Acres for Kids is a part of the Strong Kids campaign and the money raised helps to fund scholarships for youth.



Moser says the farmers in the program plant seeds that are donated from Stone Seed, Becks, LG, Pioneer, or DeKalb Asgrow. 75 percent of the gross harvested grain goes to the Clinton YMCA and 25 percent goes to the producer.



Contributions to the program help fund agriculture education. Children in Camp Osage are taken to a farm over the summer to learn firsthand about where their food comes from.



Moser says it is not too late to be involved in the program for 2020. For more information or to enroll in Acres for Kids call the Clinton YMCA at 935-8307.

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