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Clinton Junior High School Principal Recaps 2022-23 School Year

The 2022-23 school year is in the books and the principal of Clinton Junior High School says the latest year offered its highs and lows.


Jim Peck says the latest school year was as normal as they've had since COVID and it offered many activities to return that all junior high students looked forward to.



Peck believes the opportunities of the junior high school are second to none and applauds the district and the school building staff for their hard work to provide these opportunities to the community's kids.



The theme of the 2022-23 school year was grit and resiliency. Peck explains everyone has things they need to work through right now and they are trying to teach those values to their students.



For Peck and his staff, the challenges of the last year were continuing to make up ground that was lost during the COVID pandemic. We'll hear more from him on that next week on Regional Radio.

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