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Farmer City, DeWitt County Secure FEMA Funding from June Derecho

DeWitt County and the City of Farmer City have secured funding from FEMA for reimbursement from the late June derecho that ripped through central Illinois and DeWitt County.


On the WHOW Morning Show Tuesday, Sue McLaughlin, City Manager for the City of Farmer City told Regional Radio they worked with DeWitt County EMA to get grants from the storm that left swaths of the County with significant damage.



According to McLaughlin, the information they had to submit for the grant funding was rather unique. She explains they wanted to know specific trees that were damaged or brought down so they had to use Google Maps to get exact coordinates of the locations.



There are three areas that FEMA offers for reimbursement and McLaughlin says they felt they qualified mostly under the debris portion of the reimbursement. 



McLaughlin gives a shout-out to Micah Gallardo at the DeWitt County EMA office for getting the information to her. She hopes to see that reimbursement by the end of the year. 

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